Hive Tutorial 31 : Analytic Functions
Hadoop Hive analytic functions compute an aggregate value that is based on a group of rows. A Hadoop Hive HQL analytic function works on the group of rows and ignores the NULL in the data if you specify Hadoop Hive COUNT Analytic Function Returns number of rows in query or group of rows. Syntax: COUNT(column reference | value expression | *) over(window_spec) For Example; select pat_id, dept_id, count(*) over (partition by dept_id order by dept_id asc) as pat_cnt from patient; at_id dept_id pat_cnt 6 111 4 2 111 4 5 111 4 1 111 4 4 222 3 5 222 3 3 222 3 7 333 1 8 444 1 Hadoop Hive SUM Analytic Function Just like count function, sum Hive analytic function is used to compute the sum of columns or expression. Sum analytic function is used to compute the sum of all rows of table or rows within the groups. Syntax: SUM(column | expression) OVER( window_spec) For example: Calculate sum insured amount of all patients within each department...
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